
Specialty Shops

Specialty Shops

As connoisseurs of taste, personal chefs delight in our fresh, gourmet spices, herbs, seasonings, and specialty foods. You’ll discover Vegan friendly, Indian spices, and gluten free products at the American Spice Company that your local grocer or the big box stores just don’t carry. 

  • Prague Powder #1 Use 1 oz per 25 pounds of meat. Perfect for brines.

    Prague Powder No.1 Pink Curing Salt

    Great American Spice Co.

    Prague Powder #1, also referred to as Tinted Cure or Pink Curing Salt, is used for all types of meats, sausage, fish, and jerky curing. One of the most popular curing salts, Prague powder #1 contains 6.25% sodium nitrite and 93.75% sodium chloride as per...
  • Worcestershire powder

    Worcestershire Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    The strong and distinctive taste of Worcestershire sauce is widely used to flavor beef and hearty stews. The Great American Spice Company offers a fine Worcestershire powder that's easy to store and can be reconstituted into a liquid or sauce...
  • Whole Milk Powder

    Whole Milk Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    You don’t have to wait till the cows come home to get great whole milk. Whole milk powder is Grade A milk, dried, and ready to re-hydrate with water. Whole milk powder has a much longer shelf life than regular whole milk. Use it in...
  • Pumpkin Powder

    Pumpkin Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Mom's pumpkin pie never tasted better. Add secret hints of our pumpkin powder or pumpkin spice to your creations! Fresh, sweet, pumpkin powder puts autumn flavors into bread, soup, cake, cookies, and pie recipes. Mix it with butter or cream cheese to...
  • Smoked Sweet Paprika

    Paprika Smoked Sweet

    Great American Spice Co.

    Smoked Sweet Paprika, also called Pimento de la Vera, is made by drying and grinding Red Peppers into a fine powder. The smoked flavor is created during the drying process in an oak wood oven. It is a popular ingredient in many Mediterranean recipes. ...
  • Garlic Powder

    Garlic Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

     Everyone loves garlic, but garlic doesn’t love everyone back! Use garlic powder to add the flavor your love, without all the lingering effects. Quick and easy, you can use garlic powder anywhere you would use regular garlic. Are you using one...
  • Hickory Smoke Powder

    Hickory Smoke Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Remember that smoky flavor of the campfire? Whether you were grilling steaks on the fire with your friends last year or warming up baked beans at summer camp as a kid, everyone has some sort of place they’re taken to when they taste the flavor of...
  • Granulated Garlic

    Garlic Granulated

    Great American Spice Co.

    Garlic is an herb related to the onion. It is cultivated for its bulb, which is composed of many small cloves. Dried garlic has the benefit of a long shelf life and comes in several forms including: Minced Roasted Garlic Minced Garlic Garlic Powder...
  • Paprika Hungarian Sweet

    Paprika Hungarian Sweet

    Great American Spice Co.

    Hungarian Sweet Paprika comes from grinding up the vibrant paprika pods of the pepper plant.  Paprika powder added to chopped or minced onion braised in oil serves as the basis for many famous Hungarian dishes. Sweet, Hungarian...
  • Onion Powder

    Onion Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    By replacing the onion in various recipes with onion powder, you’ll be able to keep the onion kick that many dishes crave without running into the tears that come with chopping a fresh onion. Onion powder tastes great in dry rubs for meat and is...
  • Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5%Oil Content

    Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Vietnamese Cinnamon is made from the cassia cinnamon bark, grown in Vietnam. Vietnamese Cinnamon is considered by many to be the finest cinnamon in the world. This cinnamon is sweeter, more aromatic and more powerful than the Indonoesian cinnamon...
  • Lemon Juice Powder

    Lemon Juice Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Great American Spice Company’s gluten-free, lemon juice powder delights dinner guests with an exotically splendid tang on meats and vegetables. Take on the warm and fragrant sensations of India when you combine this lemon juice substitute...
  • Korintje Cinnamon - Ground

    Korintje Cinnamon Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Korintje Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii) is native to Southeast Asia and Indonesia. It is normally found in West Sumatra in the region known as Kerinci Regency a regency of Jambi province (hence the...
  • Lime Juice Powder

    Lime Juice Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    A little Lime Juice Powder can be used to replace real lime juice. Use it anytime you’ve been using lemon, or anytime your dish tastes too heavy and needs some freshening. Adding a citrus note can balance the best dish. Here’s a great...
  • Citric Acid (Sour Salt)

    Citric Acid (Sour Salt)

    Great American Spice Co.

    Don’t be a sour puss…. Be a sour pickle – maker. Our citric acid (also known as sour salt) is a candid way to can your homegrown garden goodies this year. Known for its preservative qualities, citric acid can be added to...
  • Ginger Ground

    Ginger Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Ah, ginger. Ginger Ground is the way to go for quick and easy ginger flavor in your dinners and desserts. Ginger has a long history, and its spicy flavor and rich, warm aroma make it one of the world’s most popular spices. Some might just...
  • All Natural Dried Soup Greens

    All Natural Dried Soup Greens

    Great American Spice Co.

    Grab your All Natural Dried Soup Greens, ring the dinner bell, and let’s get ready to rumble. Your family will love the intense entertainment at the dinner table tonight when you add a zesty punch of carrots, celery flakes, onion, tomato flakes,...
  • Ground Chipotle Pepper

    Chipotle Pepper Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Pure ground Morita Chipotle Pepper is one of the most well known types of Chipotle Powder. Our Ground Chipotle Pepper Scoville has a smoky flavor which goes great on anything from popcorn, to pasta sauces, to your favorite cut of meat. Scoville units...
  • Ground Habanero Powder

    Habanero Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Some like it hot, but be careful! Our ground Habanero pepper powder is one of the hottest on the market. With Scoville heat units of 100,000 - 500,000, Habanero pepper creations leave the brave with flaming tongues and tears. Keep a heap of ranch...
  • Molasses Powder

    Molasses Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

     Forego the sticky mess.  Don’t wait around for your molasses to ooze from the bottom of the bottle.  Simply use our molasses powder, as an easy alternative to molasses.  Perfect for baked beans and barbecue...
  • Agar Agar Powder

    Agar Agar Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Lather your lightly toasted white bread and savor the tastes of summer all year ‘round with the sweet, fresh taste of vine-ripened strawberries in a homemade jam. Recline your lawn chair and treat yourself to the cool and refreshing taste of a rich...
  • Lemon Zest Granules

    Lemon Zest (Peel) Granules

    Great American Spice Co.

    When first you think of lemon zest, it’s not hard to summon mouth-watering thoughts of moist meringue and mint, tart toppings on crumbly cakes, and other rich and sweet baked treats. However, like the juice of lemons, lemon zest is...
  • Chili Powder

    Chili Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Howdy, Partner! So you think you’re going to rustle around these here parts and find you a robust Chili Powder that will makes you shout, “Woooo-Eeeeee!” huh? Well don’t you worry your old chili peppers nothing then, sir!...
  • Mesquite Smoke Powder

    Mesquite Smoke Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Embrace the full-bodied, smoky distinction in Mesquite Smoke Powder.  Skip the prep time and hours of fussing with smoking meat and still serve up an appealing smoked piece of meat.  Mesquite Smoke Powder offers rich,...
  • Rice Hulls Anti- Caking Agent

    Nu-FLOW® Ground Rice Hulls

    Great American Spice Co.

    Ground Rice Hulls is a natural anti-caking agent great for keeping your seasoning blends in free flowing condition. This product is all natural and is used at 2% per weight of seasoning. Rice Hulls are a great alternative to Silicon Dioxide and can...
  • Maple Powder

    Maple Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Serve up stacks of hunter's hot cakes with dehydrated maple syrup. Just boil Maple Powder in water until the desired thickness is reached. Maple Powder is a scrumptious addition to oatmeal and granola cereals, baked beans, and sausage dishes. The more...
  • Ground Cinnamon 2% Oil

    Cinnamon 2% Oil Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    French toast lacking in flavor? Oatmeal need jazzed up? Rice too bland? Reach for Great American Spice Company’s ground cinnamon. It is our best-selling ground cinnamon, and it’s grown in Grenada. Our customers in the food industry always...
  • Coriander Seeds - Whole

    Coriander Seeds Whole

    Great American Spice Co.

    Whole coriander seeds add bursts of citrusy, herbal flavor to your food. Coriander seeds are popular the world over and a staple in many sauces and marinades. Use a mortar and pestle or spice mill to create coriander ground or add the whole...
  • Orange Juice Powder

    Orange Juice Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Just like Lime Juice powder, Orange Juice Powder is a great way of infusing your dishes with a burst of citrus flavor. Try this fish recipe: Place filet in parchment or tin foil. Add a little to water, along with Galangal Root Powder, and steam...
  • Roasted Garlic Minced

    Roasted Garlic Minced

    Great American Spice Co.

    When garlic is roasted, the high temperature drives off the more pungent, garlicky odors and leaves behind a mellow and almost sweet garlic flavor. Use Roasted Minced Garlic as an easy way to add flavor to soups and roasts. Combine with spreads for...
  • African Bird Chili Pepper

    African Bird Pepper Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    African Bird Pepper, also known as Capsicum Annum, is a hot chili that grows wild in parts of northwest Africa. With a scorching 90,000 Scoville heat units, African Bird Pepper can awaken many dishes including soups, casseroles, chowders, and curried...
  • Garlic Minced

    Garlic Minced

    Great American Spice Co.

    The fine texture and bold flavor of minced garlic makes it a popular seasoning the world over. Add minced garlic to your Chili Mix for a delicious flavor. Add minced garlic right to your burger patties and serve them with tangy BBQ sauce or...
  • Saigon Cinnamon

    Saigon Cinnamon 3% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Experience the intense and sweet taste of Saigon cinnamon imported directly from Vietnam. One of our strongest cinnamons, Saigon Cinnamon 3% also features one of our highest oil contents. It is so flavorful and sweet, it is generally considered to be...
  • Bacon Powder

    Bacon Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Getting that great bacon flavor is now easier than ever with our Bacon Powder. If you don't have time to sizzle up some bacon or are thinking of making a last minute adjustment to your meal, Bacon Powder is the perfect fit. It has an authentic meaty...
  • Paprika 85 ASTA - Spanish

    Paprika 85 ASTA - Spanish

    Great American Spice Co.

    Paprika is an all-purpose spice that works well in many dishes, although there is often a barely used bottle of generic paprika in many household spice racks. In generic uses, paprika is usually sprinkled on top as a garnish, but beyond the generic,...
  • Nutmeg Ground

    Nutmeg Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    What would pumpkin pie or eggnog be without nutmeg? Wassail, mulled wine and cider are all traditional English drinks that call for it. Even if you have only had Nutmeg in typical autumn spiced fare, try introducing it into your next vegetable recipe...
  • Cayenne Pepper 90,000 Scoville Units

    Cayenne Pepper 90,000 Scoville Units

    Great American Spice Co.

    Ground from the finest small red chili peppers of the Capsicum variety. 90,000 Scoville units. Usage Use Cayenne pepper in your savory dishes, rich sauces and buttery cajun dishes. Cayenne also adds a great taste to egg and cheese dishes...
  • Italian Seasoning

    Italian Seasoning

    Great American Spice Co.

    A savory blend of whole spices, our Italian Seasoning is made of sweet basil, thyme, oregano, marjoram, rosemary. The flavor and aroma you get when cooking with Italian seasoning is sure to win over the taste buds of fans. No more measuring a...
  • Knucklehead Rub

    Knucklehead Rub

    Great American Spice Co.

    Knucklehead Rub: A Great American Spice Company Original! Sweet, zesty, and packed with flavor! Knucklehead Rub is the perfect choice for any cooking with chicken, pork, and beef. A blend that we are proud to call our own here at the Spice Company has...
  • Orange Zest

    Orange Zest (Peel)

    Great American Spice Co.

    Great American Spice Co’s premium fresh, dehydrated, orange zest peel is carefully prepared free of any bitter pith to leave your orange zest recipes delicious, moist, and fresh. While orange zest peel is a quick and easy flavor in many baking...