


We carry over twenty items where cinnamon is either the main ingredient or the major distinguishing characteristic of the product. Since cinnamon is so versatile, you will find many different uses for this aromatic, flavorful spice.

  • Cassia Cinnamon Bark

    Cassia Cinnamon Bark

    Great American Spice Co.

    It can be visually appealing, it tastes good, and it definitely smells good. Cassia Cinnamon Bark has many uses that appeal to senses. These chunks of cinnamon bark are from the Cassia Cinnamon Tree, Saigon Cinnamon, and are higher in oil content than...
  • Ground Cinnamon 1% Oil

    Cinnamon 1% Oil Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Cinnamon 1% Oil – Ground is a cinnamon powder that contains 1% oil. This cinnamon powder is better and fresher than most sold in grocery stores. You can find Cinnamon Sticks in our selection, as well. This cinnamon is a cassia cinnamon...
  • Ground Cinnamon 2% Oil

    Cinnamon 2% Oil Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    French toast lacking in flavor? Oatmeal need jazzed up? Rice too bland? Reach for Great American Spice Company’s ground cinnamon. It is our best-selling ground cinnamon, and it’s grown in Grenada. Our customers in the food industry always...
  • Cinnamon Sticks 3"-4"

    Cinnamon Sticks 3-4 Inch

    Great American Spice Co.

    Instead of stirring your favorite teas and ciders with a spoon, why not use a cinnamon stick? Folks in apple and wine country use them for the perfect stirrer and ornamental addition to a hot drink. Our 3-4 inch cinnamon sticks come approximately 6-11...
  • Korintje Cinnamon - Ground

    Korintje Cinnamon Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Korintje Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii) is native to Southeast Asia and Indonesia. It is normally found in West Sumatra in the region known as Kerinci Regency a regency of Jambi province (hence the...
  • Saigon Cinnamon

    Saigon Cinnamon 3% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Experience the intense and sweet taste of Saigon cinnamon imported directly from Vietnam. One of our strongest cinnamons, Saigon Cinnamon 3% also features one of our highest oil contents. It is so flavorful and sweet, it is generally considered to be...
  • Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5%Oil Content

    Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Vietnamese Cinnamon is made from the cassia cinnamon bark, grown in Vietnam. Vietnamese Cinnamon is considered by many to be the finest cinnamon in the world. This cinnamon is sweeter, more aromatic and more powerful than the Indonoesian cinnamon...