
Baking Supplies

Baking Supplies

Preheat your oven and add only the freshest baking oils, baking flavorings, and baking ingredients to your homemade appetizers, entrees, and desserts.  From corn syrup to baking powder in bulk, order your baking supplies at American Spice.
  • Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5%Oil Content

    Vietnamese Cinnamon 4.5% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Vietnamese Cinnamon is made from the cassia cinnamon bark, grown in Vietnam. Vietnamese Cinnamon is considered by many to be the finest cinnamon in the world. This cinnamon is sweeter, more aromatic and more powerful than the Indonoesian cinnamon...
  • Korintje Cinnamon - Ground

    Korintje Cinnamon Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Korintje Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii) is native to Southeast Asia and Indonesia. It is normally found in West Sumatra in the region known as Kerinci Regency a regency of Jambi province (hence the...
  • Citric Acid (Sour Salt)

    Citric Acid (Sour Salt)

    Great American Spice Co.

    Don’t be a sour puss…. Be a sour pickle – maker. Our citric acid (also known as sour salt) is a candid way to can your homegrown garden goodies this year. Known for its preservative qualities, citric acid can be added to...
  • Ground Cinnamon 2% Oil

    Cinnamon 2% Oil Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    French toast lacking in flavor? Oatmeal need jazzed up? Rice too bland? Reach for Great American Spice Company’s ground cinnamon. It is our best-selling ground cinnamon, and it’s grown in Grenada. Our customers in the food industry always...
  • Saigon Cinnamon

    Saigon Cinnamon 3% Oil Content

    Great American Spice Co.

    Experience the intense and sweet taste of Saigon cinnamon imported directly from Vietnam. One of our strongest cinnamons, Saigon Cinnamon 3% also features one of our highest oil contents. It is so flavorful and sweet, it is generally considered to be...
  • Grade A Madagascar Vanilla Beans

    Madagascar Vanilla Bean Grade A

    Great American Spice Co.

    It's smooth and mild flavor can be added to chocolates and even chili. The addition of vanilla to almost any food makes it better, and Vanilla Beans from Madagascar are of the highest quality Bourbon beans available. There are no substitutions for its...
  • Vanilla 1X

    Vanilla Extract 1X

    Great American Spice Co.

    Madagascar vanilla beans are known fro their rich chocolate and walnut aroma, and creamy nose. It also infuses itself well in baked goods making this the extract of choice for the Christmas cookie connoisseur and cake creator.  The beans for this...
  • Gelatin


    Great American Spice Co.

    Whether the dessert you want to make is a clear gelatin dessert or a pudding-based dessert, Gelatin from American Spice Company is what you should turn to.  You can add a variety of flavors as well as chopped fruits and nuts to give your dessert a...
  • Vanilla Extract  2X

    Vanilla Extract 2X

    Great American Spice Co.

    The renowned Bourbon appellation of Madagascar is a sure ticket to the deep creamy and sweet notes that made this origin famous for vanilla. The quality of the vanilla beans used in this extract are known as "splits", which are achieved when the farmers...
  • Ground Cinnamon 1% Oil

    Cinnamon 1% Oil Ground

    Great American Spice Co.

    Cinnamon 1% Oil – Ground is a cinnamon powder that contains 1% oil. This cinnamon powder is better and fresher than most sold in grocery stores. You can find Cinnamon Sticks in our selection, as well. This cinnamon is a cassia cinnamon...
  • Yeast Flakes

    Nutritional Yeast Flakes

    Great American Spice Co.

    Living a healthier lifestyle is an established attitude so “all aboard”. Nutritional Yeast Flakes are specially formulated with inactive yeast and a delicious cheesy flavor that adds a pleasant taste to many foods. A 1.5 tsp serving contains...
  • Alum Powder Granulated

    Alum Powder Granulated

    Great American Spice Co.

    If you are interested in making your family's secret pickle recipe, your own toothpaste, or play dough - you will want to have some Alum Powder on hand. It's a versatile salt that aids baking leavening, has antibacterial properties, and helps maintain...
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice

    Pumpkin Pie Spice

    Great American Spice Co.

    Pumpkin Pie Spice make the perfect pumpkin pie or bread with this time-tested blend. We've been told it's also good in banana and zucchini bread. With a special blend including the staple spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. Make cupcakes breads and even...
  • Premium Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder

    Premium Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Cocoa powder is made when chocolate liquor is pressed to remove three quarters of its cocoa butter. The remaining cocoa solids are processed to make fine unsweetened cocoa powder. There are two types of unsweetened cocoa powder: natural and...
  • Whey Powder

    Sweet Whey Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Whey Powder can be used in many different manners and serves as a great source of protein.  It is a by-product of the cheese industry.  It can be used as a non-fat milk substitute in many recipes, such as shortening when making dough...
  • Natural Cocoa Powder

    Natural Cocoa Powder

    Great American Spice Co.

    Our Natural Cocoa Powder is pure cocoa with no additives. Its strong, bittersweet flavor is ideal for all baking and will bring a deep richness to your favorite desserts. The intense flavor makes it well-suited for homemade brownies. Natural cocoa is a...
  • Apple Pie Spice

    Apple Pie Spice

    Great American Spice Co.

    Imagine the delicious aroma of that next pie or batch of dumplings after being prepared with Apple Pie Spice. Featuring a blend of premium cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices, this all-in-one mix takes the guess work out of many cooking and baking recipes...
  • Superfine Bulk Sugar

    Superfine Sugar

    Great American Spice Co.

    Superfine Sugar is regular white sugar ground to a finer level. This sugar is commonly used in delicate dishes where the sugar needs to blend in more or dissolve easier.  Usage Use as a replacement for regular sugar or when a less coarse sugar is...
  • Granulated White Sugar

    White Sugar Granulated

    Great American Spice Co.

    Sweet and simple but a staple in cooking and baking. While regular old White Sugar might not be an exotic item in your spice cabinet, it has earned its place.  Usage Use as needed. Mix 1 Tablespoon Granulated White Sugar with 1 Teaspoon...